New Year, New Discoveries: Gateway Media, Creativity and Art, Science Through Fandom and Comparative Stories
Fresh and exciting journeys ahead!
It’s a new year! At rmrk*st Magazine, we are excited to ring it in with you, and are so jazzed about the year ahead filled with new and engaging stories, exciting fandom experiences, geeking out over the things we love–and the things we don’t even know about yet.
Is there anything more thrilling than being unaware of what your next fandom will be? The story that hasn’t yet been told, the book that hasn’t found you yet, the classic movie or series you heard was great but never watched, the TV show that everyone will be talking about this time next year? Well, hold that thought! We’ll circle back.
First, let’s clean up the confetti, throw out the empty champagne bottles, and reflect on what you might have missed last month! December is a time for holidays, rest, and celebrating the end of the year. In honor of all that, we took a look at seasonal classics perfect for your holiday break rewatches, marveled over how fandom and holidays collide in seasonal merch, featured holiday music that belongs on every December playlist, and searched for the holiday fandom festivals you can start planning to attend in the coming year. At Remarkist, our annual Holiday Hiatus programming featured unique event experiences curated by the Remarkist member base, including music playlist creations, classic holiday TV show episode watch parties, and Christmas romcom roasts.
With a new year on the horizon, we’re expanding our horizons along with it. That’s why we are dedicating January’s content to Discovery! As we pull back the proverbial cellophane on a brand spankin’ new year, it’s a great time to seek–and leave ourselves open to–new experiences. Fandom is an evolving journey for all of us, and our content in January will directly reflect that idea. From finding new stuff to love based on things you already do, to feeling inspired by the things you love to create your own, we intend to help you keep that explorer spirit alive well into 2025.
Thank you for being part of the journey so far! We look forward to the month–and year–ahead. If you aren’t already, make sure to join us on Discord to find other Remarkists chatting about the stories you love all day, every day, as well as live events, games, and everything you need to know about what’s happening—and coming up—at Remarkist. And go ahead and give us a follow on Instagram and Tumblr for more fandom content—we love seeing you there!
New years and making lists go together, so here’s one to get you started! Just kidding, it’s our table of contents:
If You Loved This...Try That
Discovering History Through Fandom
Real-World Science and Fandom
Gateway Media
How Fandom Inspires Art and Creativity