Friends at 30, Sitcom History, a Fandom Quiz, and Spooky Comedies!
From laugh track legacies to witty mockumentaries, we're celebrating the sitcom in September!
It’s September. Can we….BE any more excited?Â
While it’s sad to see the summer go, around here we live for fall vibes, so we’re pretty jazzed. It’s the season of cozy: as the sun starts setting a bit earlier, we love heading inside to grab a warm beverage, a blanket, and indulge in an old favorite show on our TVs.
And TV is where we’ll be focused in September. But…more on that later. Previously at rmrk*st Mag:
In August, we celebrated the last few weeks of summer with, naturally, a vacation theme! From TV shows set on vacation to movies that take viewers on a trip, travel escapes are ideal settings for drama. And if you’re going on vacation and need a book to bring with you (or simply would like to travel through your imagination), novels set on vacations deliver incredible storytelling.Â
Vacation and fandom go hand in hand in the real world too, and there are tons of destinations all over the world that allow you to physically visit your fandom through pop culture tourism. But mental escapism is a vacation in and of itself too, and our fandoms provide a respite for the brain.
In September, we’ll be focusing on one particular type of content: TV sitcoms! The impetus for this celebration of half hour situational comedy was hinted at way up top. Did you catch it? Maybe you need another coffee to PERK yourself up and think real hard….Ok, we’ll tell you. After this commercial break.
Just kidding! (In the world of streaming, what even are commercials?!) If you can believe it, one sitcom in particular is celebrating its 30th anniversary on September 22: the beloved and extraordinarily successful show, Friends. Friends was enormously popular when it was on the air in the 90s and early 2000s, but it has managed to maintain a rabid and growing fandom in the twenty years since it went off the air thanks to streaming platforms that help it gain new fans constantly.. This got us thinking about other sitcoms: the first sitcoms, different genres of sitcom, how the format has changed over the decades, how they have launched the careers of many beloved movie stars, and more.Â
So join us right here in the coming weeks for a celebration of comedy on TV. We’ll be there for you–especially if you head on over to our Discord and follow us on Instagram and Tumblr! Also, make sure to subscribe to get every rmrk*st article dropped directly into your inbox!
Cue the laugh track…here’s our TV Gui–...ahem, Table of Contents:
How Classic Sitcoms from the '50s to '70s Shaped Popular Culture
From Laugh Tracks to Oscar Nods: Sitcom Stars Who Dominated Film
Which Friends Side Character Are You?
Friends 30th Anniversary: One Defining Episode From Every Season
The Best Sitcoms From the 80s to Today That We're Still Watching
Witches, Angels, and Ghosts: Paranormal Sitcoms That Will Make You Laugh