Need a costume? Not a problem!
Cheap and easy DIY costumes for Halloween, inspired by some of our Slate Shows
We’ve compiled some options for last-minute Halloween costumes on limited time and a budget - because breaking the bank is never necessary for fandom fun! We love the Halloween season here at Remarkist (well, John is a bit of a curmudgeon about it, but the rest of us normal people really get into it). The decorations, the candy, the horror movies—and TV shows, of course! We also love the costumes. But who wants to spend a ton of bucks (or KRNLs) on a last-minute costume? This year, our slate shows are great inspirations for easy and cheap DIY outfits. Wanna get inspired, too? Check out some ideas below.
Gilmore Girls Inspired Look - Three Favorites
We can never spend too much time in our favorite small-town world. And Stars Hollow in the fall is just the best. We love watching the tumbling leaves, 🍂🍁 carving some of Jackson’s pumpkins 🎃 and knitting yet another scarf 🧣to save a random historical structure in town. Dress up as one of your favorite Stars Hollow characters by following the simple steps below:
Lorelai Gilmore DIY Costume:
Step 1: Put on a pair of jeans (ideally bell bottom) and a jean jacket.
Step 2: Throw a skinny scarf around your neck. Something floral or pretty.
Step 3: Carry around a coffee mug or to-go cup. Make sure to let everyone know that you want more coffee. ☕️
Step 4: Talk fast. Very fast.
Luke Danes DIY Costume:
Step 1: Flannel shirt - the real ugly lumberjack kind. Put it on and get comfy in it.
Step 2: Put a baseball cap on your head—backwards, of course. Preferably blue with a snapback. Avoid black-fitted, please. 🧢
Step 3: Throw a kitchen towel over your shoulder. If it has some food stains on it, that will work.
Step 4: Grab a spatula or pan. 🍳
Step 5: Be very grumpy. The fewer words you say, the better.
Kirk Gleason DIY Costume:
Step 1: Basically, wear the ugliest, non-fitting clothes your closet has to offer. Actually, see if you have an elderly relative who wouldn’t mind lending you some of their clothes. 80+ will work for this.
Step 2: Be pretty annoying and act like a 7-year-old. 👦
Step 3: There is nothing else you need to do.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Dark Willow and Angel-Inspired Look
Oh, Buffy! We love spending time with you and following your adventures. You are stylish (yes, very 90s… but that’s ok!), smart, and brave. Your look also makes a great costume! But this year, we want to do something a little different.
To recreate the Dark Willow look, follow a few simple steps:

Step 1: Black clothes. There is no “new black” for Willow. Black is the new black.
Step 2: Black long bob. If your own hair doesn’t work for this look, get a cheap black wig like this one and give it a DIY long bob haircut.
Step 3: Go full goth on your face. Take a sharp eyeliner and draw a few dark veins on your face. Dark lips and eyeshadow are recommended as well.
Step 4: Come up with some dark, magic-spell-jibber-jabber and cast those spells sporadically throughout the night.
Angel - this is an easy one for the guys!
Step 1: Wear black clothes. Of course. Maybe a white tee or tank. We recommend a cheap-looking pleather or velvet blazer if you have one on hand.
Step 2: Put that brooding look on your face. Furrow your eyebrows. Keep your lips open exactly half a centimeter, no more, no less… even when you speak—especially when you speak. Never smile.
Step 3: You might not find redemption on Halloween this year, but as Angel, you might wanna at least try.
And the black clothes keep on coming 👇
Schitt’s Creek - David Rose Inspired Look
Sweater weather is the best! And there is no better sweater to wear on Halloween than a David Rose-inspired one. Our recent Tournament of Threads game already got us into a sweater mood. But here, we’re not just picking our favorites on a bracket; we are actually wearing them.
To recreate the David Rose look, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Wear a bold sweater. Ideally, black with some big lettering or shapes on it. 🖤⚡️
Step 2: Gel. In your hair. Lots of it.
Step 3: Black pants, black sneakers. Converse, preferably, but any type of sneaker works. If you don’t have black ones, try and match the color with the color of the pattern on your sweater.
Step 4: Put on your most judgmental expression and the biggest sunglasses you can find.
Bonus step: if you have any artistic skills, grab a brown paper bag with a handle and a Sharpie, and trace your best Rose Apothecary logo on it. Put a bottle of wine inside—the label doesn’t matter. 😉
RuPaul’s Drag Race-Inspired Look
Be bold, be brave, be you! We had so much fun watching Season 6 together earlier this year - the drama, the glamor - it’s just too good! Here is the thing about dressing up like a real queen: You don’t have to be a costume designer like Bianca Del Rio (even though we wish we had her skills!)! With a few simple things to keep in mind, you can step out on stage just as glamorous as she did!
Follow these steps before stepping foot onto that Halloween party catwalk:
Step 1: There is never too much of anything. Never too much makeup, never too much glitter, never too much glamor. Don’t limit yourself! 💄
Step 2: Embrace all the colors! Make sure to put on matching nail polish, too. It’s the little details that count!
Step 3: Be confident! Give yourself a punny stage name! This is your time to shine. Pull out that crazy wig you’ve always wanted to wear. Wear heels that are too much to wear at work. Wanna add some fairy wings to your outfit? Pumpkin on your head? A boa made out of candy corn? Just go for it!
Step 4: Lip sync your heart out!
Good luck, and don’t f*** it up!
You can also springboard costume ideas with others on Remarkist. We have a growing community of fans like you already prepping for their upcoming Halloween parties and neighborhood trick-or-treating.
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